Tuesday, December 7, 2010


I can converse with you, apostrophe,
for you see we both plot to hide the key
ingredients in a relationship,
when you are used, certain letters are skipped.

There are times I feel I am in the dark,
like, when I get used to seeing your mark,
making a word not really a word, see,
just like I'm not who I'm supposed to be.

An inverted slant is all that you are,
you make a word obscene, give it a scar,
gullible patrons of the written word,
don't stop to think that you might be absurd.

Ah, but we are kinsman, that is a fact,
look at me, you only see the abstract.
I'm saying we are both fraudulent sluts,
subtracting our total, we are just mutts.

Rogues that we are, we're not unlike the rest,
giving the world something for them to guess.
You and your inverted slant, gives you style,
like you, I hide parts of me with a smile.

©March 9, 2006 / Jerry Pat Bolton


  1. Appreciate your comments, Sharon. thank you.

  2. Very original! I guess I'm one of those too--probably the only way I could describe myself as "punctual". grin

  3. Good to see you stranger. Thanks for stopping by, Shirley.
