Sunday, February 13, 2011

Strawberry Preserve Sky

It was a hot, but pleasant day,
The front porch was cool in the shade,
Inside the house I heard her weep,
And so help me God, I was afraid.

'Neath a strawberry preserve sky,
Me and my woman shared our pain.
All alone, with no one around,
We walked, side by side, down the lane.

It was in the morn's early hour,
The sun just peeking o'er the trees,
We spoke not a word as we trod,
The two of us and one made three.

A rusty gate opened for us,
We walked past it toward the grave,
I dug with my hands yesterday,
Sun was hot, woman called brave.

A wooden casket that I'd made,
Sat by the grave for sweet, sweet Sue.
She's gone from us, she went away,
Died two days ago with the flu.

I'm on the porch; I've no more tears,
Don't know when my woman will rest
Her crying, I doubt that she will,
Life looks bleak if this is God's test.

©February 4, 2011 / Jerry Pat Bolton