Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Jerry and Nanette

I loved her so much in that distant time,
Put no one above her, she was mine,

The blush on her face virginal,

It was true as later proved,

A soul-seeking person,

She was that to me,

I loved Nanette,

Yes, I did,

I did


Saw him,

Standing there,

Giving me stares,

He was a wild man,

I was quiet and subdued,

I wanted that wildness too,

Our Ying & Yang would be okay,

Too late I saw that would not be so,

He tried but drifted off in the shadows.

©August 11, 2010 / Jerry Pat Bolton

A Girl So Blue

The form is The Zejel (theh-hel).  The first stanza, known as the mudanza, has three lines, rhyming aaa. All the other stanzas - as many of them as you like - have 4 lines, rhyming bbba, the a rhyme harking back to the first stanza. So the overall rhyming scheme for the poem is aaa/bbba/ccca/ddda/...
Colloquial language tends to be used, and 8-syllable lines are usual (though not obligatory)!


We knew a girl who was so blue.
Why was she sad we never knew.
We wondered but we had no clue.

Some said she was sad for a man,
Whispers about a girl, Diane,
Who left her and moved to Japan,
We never knew if it were true.

She never smiled and would not laugh,
Walked around like a half-sick calf,
And had a neck like a giraffe,
It always looked a bit askew.

One day she up and went away,
She left a note and signed it Mae,
Said it was time for her to stray,
Searching for llama's in Peru.

©March 15, 2006 / Jerry Pat Bolton

The Rooming House on St. Charles

New Orleans
I'd been in worse
and better
it was just a room to sleep
sweaty night sleep
and stay
in the daytime, sitting on the bed
being quiet
not bother anyone
that was how it was done
how I wanted it
to hide my future and
the secrets that drove me there
damn it to hell and back in the first place
Downtown Jackson Brown
Minnie the Moocher and
all those cats
having Mardi Gras
outside my window
shuttered and closed tight window
because . . . I felt like shit
why not
who was I to think thoughts
of grandeur
as I am sitting and sweating
hording secrets
secrets, like
I am no good
everybody knows it
made me write

Sitting all alone
In a smoky, crowded bar.
Life passes him by

What happened to the
. . . . . . . .
hell, I can't even remember
is gone
ain't it sad
how did I get this way
when the whole world is partying
made me write this

Carnival is here.
Crowds jam the street with laughter.
He plays solitaire

Last night I ventured into
well, I went here

High above the street
A lonely window shines bright.
Love is bought and sold

Oh, yeah, I forgot
I have
to tell
if you want to hear
do you, huh,
don't you
my, my
what good are secrets
so I write it down
on paper, yeah

Crumpled note on floor
Tells the story of love gone.
A time for dying.

©February 3, 2005 / Jerry Pat Bolton

A Pebble, A Brook, A Sapling

--New Orleans, 1993, written in harried response to Maya Angelou’s brilliant, but savage, The Rock Cries Out To Us Today.
My sincere apologies for using Maya Angelou’s brilliant, but savage, The Rock Cries Out To Us Today,  for form and guidance when I wrote this poem.  This is dedicated to all the leaders and followers of the al Qaeda movement.  The only way to stop the madness is for the leaders of those Middle Eastern countries to rise up, denounce and actively fight for the destruction of this group of murderers.


A Pebble, A Brook, A Sapling
Possessor of life recently born,
Distinguished from the cockroach.
The insect, who tried patience
And was even food
To the inhabits of the planet,
Only to unnerve those who would investigate their fatality
Instead, revel in the survival of the centuries.

Yes, the Pebble bellows, insanely, unaffectedly,
Leave, you filthy beasts, begone from me
Where you defecate upon my passive form,
It’s your fate to be immortal.

Loathsome one, fashioned only slightly higher than
The droppings you leave have outlasted the world
In your busy pursuit,
Lingering beyond your accepted time
Head reared in knowledge.
Treacherous tentacles feeling your way
Avoiding assassination.
The Pebble screams begone and
Veil your grossness.

From the other side,
The Brook languishes in its stupor,
Impatient at your reluctance to join its rippling waters.

Your clannish brood baked by the sun,
Invincible and uniformness, scurrying erratically,
Hiding from your oncoming doom.
Your secretive hideaways for dominion of the world
Forfeit rings of vacuous scum around you,
And beleaguered trepidation within my heart.
Still, you are constantly summoned to drink from my stream,
My marrow.  But you are too busy with world mastery to hear.
You, with your newly found anthem of destruction sing
Of disharmony and anarchy of your rediscovered hero’s,
Your hate-filled Saints call you forth for confrontation
Of recent imagined and long ago slights.
I beseech you; remember the sins of yesterday, yes,
But recognize the new day as it is.
A glorious time.
For all.

The Comatose Brook and the Bellowing Pebble
Join together in unanimous loathing for you.
And all the others, the Oxen, the Sheltering Sky, the Lowly Ant
The Crow, the Subordinate Sheep, the Soaring Hawk
The Tumultuous Thunderbolt, the Bucking Pintos, the Kitten,
The Red Clay, the Gentle Lamas, the Cowardly Ostrich,
The Bastard Son, the Wife of Lot, the Honest Woman.
The Wandering Oracle, the Lost Generation,
The Suburban Home, the Philosopher.

They all align themselves
To participate in your destruction.
The Burning Bush ignore your wretched wailing, and
Renounces your evil intentions, and sears you
With Brimstone, destroying your kind before
You can leap into the waters of the Brook.

Yo, progeny! legislated children
of an ignorant mind.
you are suspects
meddlesome clones of
strangulated mediocrity
in your one size fits all zealot shoes
and body armor

Your individuality has become suspect, as
You strangle in meddlesome mediocrity, even as you,
With your many feet, trample down the good earth
With never a backward glance at the rubble you leave
In your religious zeal to overcome your destiny.
You, nightmares of darkness,
You, with tentacles quivering, searching history to dismantle
As a highwayman would burn the coach to eradicate
The physical confirmation. You dream that you will
Burrow down. Tearing at the bedrock of
The Sapling growing beside the Brook. But the
Pebble and the Brook, and the Sapling are resilient
And your Antics are noted, as surely as your
Challenge is just now beginning to be understood
For what it is. A dark day awaits you as you endeavor to
Rewrite, in murky blood, the past.
If you cannot live without shame, neither
Shall you live to transmit dishonor on the
Ones who walk among you.

Cast down your convulsing tentacles
Knowing the evening shade is upon you.
Dismantle your detestable ideas
And crawl away and perish.

You males, you Females, you Adolescents,
Turn into yourself
Know what you have become
Publicly.  Scour your conscience
And gaze into the Brook to see what you have become.
Cast down your anarchy
The day’s absolute devastation
For your newer order.
Divorce yourself from traitorous ideals
Of revolt and unrest
And bloodletting.

The heavens no longer bend toward you,
Guaranteeing you continued encouragement.
Now, here and forever
Reclaim control of your leaders
And observe the order of things
As do the Pebble, the Brook, the Sapling.
We are not benevolent Kings to your idlers.

Never.  We remain rock steady in reason.
As you near the end of your worthless agendas
Look back to reality of history and into the eyes
Of honesty and righteousness
And understanding the uncompromising position your
Leaders have led you to, then
Forcefully, vigorously,
In insightful judgment
Come back to sanity.

©New Orleans, 1993 / Jerry Pat Bolton

A Cold and Pitiless Wind

A cold and pitiless wind moves among us,
A current of current rising from epochs old.
Can we sleep serenely and without fear when
Amid stirrings of horse's hoofs he smiles?
Beneath primordial moons deviously does plot,
Time is of no value, eternity has evolved.
Without the ticking sound of the life's clock,
Snorting Arabian steed's anxious for the fight.
Poised on every shore, peering into windows,
O, so stealthy, when at last the moon has hid.
And the tide washes up, deposits combatants,
They come, by air, luxury liner, banana boat.
By the soles of their feet, souls of their God,
Like residue from a growing, fanatical storm.
What blood moves through these warriors,
Which provokes bloodlust as easily as a smile?
He is there, over there, here too, right here,
Where the children are at play with yesterday's
Values, yesterday's view, yesterday's excitement?
When the tongue and eyes of the ancient ones
Speak softly, gazing upon the long awaited prize.
The thundering of million's of hoofs let loose,
Neighing a battle cry to the dead, silent old ones.
And we, well we go about our business of sanity,
Thinking we are good, we are clean, we laugh.
Calmly we do leave the doors and the windows
Ajar for our visitors who are now neighbors,
To finish the ancient martyr's settling of scores.

©April 26, 2004 / Jerry Pat Bolton

The Meaning of Life (Sedoka)

The meaning of life,
There is so much I don't know,
Can you tell me about it?

Life is so simple,
You are its power and thrust,
Don't waste your days asking me.

©October 2, 2010 / Jerry Pat Bolton

Monday, November 29, 2010


So you know the worth of life;
Is that with or without a wife?
Or does true worth to do with cash,
That you have so carefully stashed?

Does the worth of one fall too short,
Is it judged by a snooty court?
Is the worth we process to seek,
Really that special and unique?

Is freedom the key to it all,
Or your name on a bathroom wall?
Are you free to pursue your dream,
Seeking your own crème de la crème?

Do you judge your peers of their worth,
Are they worth more because of birth?
Duty and work, do they mean less,
Than a rebel whose life's a mess?

The pious, they walk narrow roads,
They live by their own set of codes.
Do their morals give them the right,
Look down their nose from Rapture's height?

Your worth, what does it mean to you,
Does it make you happy or blue?
Do you go to bed with good cheer,
Content with your worth, and sincere?

©February 10, 2010 / Jerry Pat Bolton


whisper to me where ere you are
though I know you not
I will hear your voice
matters not where I am
your words will be delightful
will cause a smile
ere though I sleep
sleep and yearn for
mystery woman of my dreams
lovers are lovers
only if they love truthfully
dreaming of distant strangers
who dream same dreams as do you
whisper of eternal love
accept them into my heart
where they will live everlastingly
bolstering my own commitment
to our eventual physical entanglement
overflowing with sweet honey
for you to taste
forever shall our love be real
I call upon the great gods as witness
I taste your sweetness
in slumber which you bequeath to me
so do you accept from me
that which I provide so willingly
like a tender leaf brushing across my mouth
the taste of love is exquisite
as the nights multiply
I take pleasure from your beautiful
unknown face
I feel your eyes upon mine
across the void we chance to meet
in wondrous, pleasing dreams
I awake knowing we will
surely make our dreams come true

©September 9, 2010 / Jerry Pat Bolton

My Room of Things Past

remnants of
life past are spread out
within my sanctuary
little things
some important
all part of a life before
look there
Shattered Hopes and Dreams
not mine
my room of things past
tell me who I am
sometimes that is good
most often not
this room is not orderly
like much of my past
a hodgepodge of things
seeking recognition
I stand at its entrance
listening to the moans of Lost Love
seeing reality of days gone by
there, look there
a Glimmer of Hope shines faintly in the corner
a smile creases my face
remembering joy in my heart and a new start
but with a death rattle
Glimmer of Hope's light goes out
in its place
a Williwaw blew
Incriminations and Accusations my way
they don't know I've made peace
with myself
unfilled my heart
of the Sanctimonious Ones
who were also there
pointing, sniggering
at my trials and disappointments
I was told
forgive yourself
of your sins of human frailty
and you shall have peace
and I did
why then
that being the case
do I stand
once again
at the gateway
my sanctuary
where all the bones are buried

©November 24, 2010 / Jerry Pat Bolton

Next Time

the stench of garbage
faint smell of Charlie perfume
ice skates askew in the meandering hallway
Pine Sol
lingering in the dead air of the tenement
dark in the corridor
squalling kid somewhere
cigarette smoke filtered from rooms
strains of Bonanza on television
all lightbulbs busted out
worked to our benefit
heard the swish of your nylons
as you walked ahead of me
seemed to know where you were going
hall deadened
you groped for something in the dark
we quietly eased inside
utility closet
you reached above your head
pulled the light cord
would you believe it came on
we fornicated
by raw light

driving home
I said
I get to pick the place next time
it's our game
we're never bored

©November 16, 2010 / Jerry Pat Bolton

Not About You

I didn't write this for
or about you
no matter what you think
you did not come into the picture
your presence is not
inside the lines
I didn't call your name
not even spiritually
if somewhere
within this poem
beauty is spoken of
it will be the beauty of a famous painting
not you
you can sit there
glacially rigid
in my mind you have become extinct
life goes on
without you
sadness is a state of mind
to be overcome
to relapse time and again
like a fart stench
but it goes away again
I have gotten over
your beauty
it serves no place in my being
when I think of you
dark, ominous clouds surround you
an omen
telling me your memory is dead
maybe I'll put these words
to music
I close my eyes
open them quickly
it matter not what you believe
I didn't write this for you.

©November 23, 2010 / Jerry Pat Bolton

The Making of Me

I wasn't surprised
to see the beast of New York City
clawing at my soul
I'd been to the asphalt jungle
in my mind
knew it to be corrupt
it was
Forty-Second Street
Sodom & Gomorrah in the flesh
you betcha
reason it didn't scare me
I was ready for it
I'd fled worse demons
than New York City had for me
those were physical, lustful and perverted
ones I fled from were
mental for the most part
show me your corruption New York City
I welcomed it
pizza 25₵ a slice
peek shows 25₵ a peek
hookers on parade
rubbing shoulders with stars
over on Broadway
New York! whatta place
new wore off
didja see Midnight Cowboy
street devours people
Ratso and Joe Buck prime examples
not me
I was devoured before I got there
like the Midnight Cowboy
expected New York
to be my saving grace
so I took a page out of
The Wandering Jew
and wandered
and wandered
and . . .
down and out and alone
in a city of millions
hungry, cold
cold and hungry
there is a difference
learned streets smarts
how to get by
playing to my one advantage
and attitude
Jimmy Dean swagger
a bit of
solipsistic crude
homeless when homeless wasn’t cool
managed to wed three wives
the last one took
I finally found my niche
stopped running long enough
to write
My Mother's Revenge
eleven books later
still writing
remembering the mean streets
they influenced me and how I take to things
tend to be gruff
would I do things differently
if I could
damn straight I would

©November 28, 2010 / Jerry Pat Bolton