Monday, December 6, 2010

Clear Water

    turbulent sixties
    CCR had clear water
    but it all dried up

    ©April 20, 2006


  1. I was just a baby in the sixties, but I love CCR! They are timeless, I say :)

  2. CCR! Yes! Graveyard Train! Fantastic.

    Thanks Sharon.

  3. I went to see them in concert at the UGA Coliseum--around 1973, I think. It was a different time then, socially and politically. Everyone who had floor seats were actually sitting on the floor, and weed was passed around everywhere. The music was fantastic! Good memory, that. Green River is still my favorite.

    Love the write, Jerry.

  4. Born on the Bayou and Graveyard Train for me, plus a hell of a lot of others. Lodi, etc. Thanks Shirley.
